Spiritual Life
Spiritual Goals
OCA is dedicated to meeting the needs of the whole child: academically, physically, morally and spiritually. In meeting the spiritual needs of its children, our school sets the following as its objectives:
- The school, first and foremost, acknowledges the eternal value and spiritual worth of each child and therefore shall present the salvation message to each child.
- The school dedicates itself to the spiritual training of its staff to serve as leaders and witnesses of Christ among the children.
- The school conducts semi-annual assessments of the spiritual growth of each child three and older and shall use this information in the planning and development of its programs.
- The school provides adequate, daily spiritual instruction to each of its children, with consideration of the developmental level and background of each.
- The school provides quality instruction in Bible knowledge and facts in order to provide children with training for their spiritual lives.
- The school introduces the children to a chapel program that provides additional spiritual training and provides opportunities for worshiping together.
- The school communicates with the families of its children and provides opportunities for their spiritual edification and growth.
Every Wednesday students take part in a chapel service tailored to their level of understanding. Teachers, administrators, invited preachers and student chaplains take turns in preaching at the chapel services. Sermon Topics are given from the semester's theme. No student is exempt from chapel services as chapel is compulsory.
Our Chapel Services may be viewed on Youtube or Facebook.
Scripture Union
Scripture Union Clubs are part of our spiritual growth tools for the students. Students from Grades 3 to 12 participate in Scripture Union club once a week. Activities include, bible studies, bible quiz, prayer retreats, prayer times etc. Our students receive a great deal of spiritual enrichment from our Scripture Union club.
Bible Club
Bible club is tailored towards the study of the bible, bible verse memorization and bible quiz.
Evangelism Club
Evangelism Club meets during the summer school. Students are taught the essence of evangelism and how to evangelize. An evangelism drive is organized for students go out to various communities to evangelize and win souls for the Lord.
Student Retreats
Retreats are organized for students throughout the school year. During our prayer retreats students are taken through the word and led in prayer to strengthen their inner man students retreats are fun and spiritually rewarding. Teachers and students attend retreats and always testify of the inner strength they receive after the retreats
Summer Teen Camps
Summer Camps are organized each year in August by Arrow Missions. OCA has been participating in these camps for the past 8years. We encourage our students to play an active part in the Arrow Mission teens camp.
Peer Mentoring
At OCA we encourage peer mentoring. Older students are encouraged to assist younger students in their spiritual growth. They assist by advising them, teaching them and encouraging them to be steadfast in the faith.